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- Locate the power supply for your antenna. This is usually a small cube, either black or white, or a small white disc.
These units have two internet cables (Cat5) and a power cable. Reset the antenna by pulling the power cable out for 30 seconds.
Locate the router. Routers come in different shapes and sizes, but our wireless customers commonly have the Linksys brand.
Any router can be identified by reading the stickers on it. They will indicate brand name and model number, which can be very
helpful to the support techs in troubleshooting. The router will also have some blinking lights on the front. To reboot the router
pull out the power cable from the back of the box and wait thirty seconds before plugging it back in.
Identify which lights are on, blinking, and off on the router. The numbers indicate devices (such as the computer) plugged in to receive
an internet signal from the router. WAN, W-LAN, or Internet will indicate the signal coming from the antenna (depending on brand and model).
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Mon - Fri 8:30am - 6:00pm CST